Política sobre Cookies

Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para analizar el tráfico, ofrecer funciones de redes sociales y para personalizar la publicidad a partir de tus hábitos de navegación. Para conocer nuestras políticas, visite nuestra Política de cookies y Aviso legal

Legal notice

This website is the property of Aqualandia España, S.A. with registered office in Sierra Helada s/n 03503 Benidorm (Alicante) – Spain. You may contact us at the address aqualandia@aqualandia.net, by calling +34 96 586 0100, or by going to the address indicated . www.aqualandia.net se has been created with the aim of informing users interested in the provision of services and a payment section for the purchase of AQUALANDIA tickets.

The use of this Website is subject to the full acceptance by the User of these General Terms and Conditions of Use or those in force at the time the user accesses the site

Access to this site is only permitted for legal ends, its use being governed at all times by the present General Terms and Conditions, the law applicable at the time and by moral and ethical practices and public order.

AQUALANDIA (proprietor of this Web) reserves the right to deny access to this site, without need for prior notification, to any user who breaches the terms and conditions set out in this legal warning and to report to the appropriate authorities the carrying out of any activities which could consititute an offence.

AQUALANDIA reserves the unilateral right to modify at any time the present General Terms and Condtions of Use and any other general or specific terms and conditions of its Website. It also reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the Website plus the contents and the conditions required to use it .

The User acknowledges that he or she is accessing this site of his or her own free will and that it is soley his or her own responsibility. AQUALANDIA reserves the right to report to the appropriate Authority any other use which may contribute its interests or rights or could consitute an offence.

AQUALANDIA reserves the right to terminate this web service at any time with no further requirement than that of notifying the fact in the present terms and conditions 15 days in advance.

AQUALANDIA cannot guarantee the permanent availability of the service offered by this website, nor can it be held responsible for any damages caused or which may be caused in the future, or for technical faults of whatever nature, deriving from the use of the information contained on the Website.

Aqualandia España, S.A may, whenever it considers appropriate, make corrections, improvements or modifications to the information contained on the webiste without this giving the right to any claim or compensation or implying acnowledgement of any liability.

AQUALANDIA guarantees the veracity, quality, security and legality of everything promoted on the Website

Aqualandia España, S.A. undertakes to respect the veracity of the data, except for typing errors, adapting them to the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and to the Contractual Laws in force.

Aqualandia España, S.A provides a payment section for the sale of AQUALANDIA tickets, the security measures regarding the transaction are those applicable to the processing by the Caja Mediterráneo (CAM savings bank) with Fiscal Identity Code. nº G-03046562.

If you require more detailed information, you can contact us at the e-mail address aqualandia@aqualandia.net.

The industrial and intelectual property of logos, emblems or any other element incorporated in the design of this website belongs exclusively to Aqualandia España, S.A. The User acknowledges and accepts these rights. The elements included on this website over which AQUALANDIA does not have intelectual or industry property rights are used with the appropriate permission.

The music used in the applications and videos has the category of Creative Commons with a licence for commercial use.

The reproduction of all or part of the contents of www.aqualandia.net or its transmission or registration by any information recovery system in any form or method is strictly prohibited except with the prior written authorisation of AQUALANDIA.

Infringement of the copyright rights of AQUALANDIA, plus any violation of or attempt to violate the applicable content protection systems is strictly prohibited. The right to quote is permitted provided the source is indicated.

Any violation of the intelectual or industrial property rights of this portal or of AQUALANDIA elements will be subject to the appropriate legal measures to ensure their protection.

AQUALANDIA informs that this website is hosted in Spain, the country in which it offers its services, therefore the only applicable legislation to solve any conflict regarding the interpretation of these terms and conditions is Spanish legislation and any International Treaties signed by Spain .

By acceptance of the present General Terms and Conditions the user submits him or herself to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the town of Benidorm to solve any controversy related to the above paragraphs.

This site uses cookies to provide certain functions which may be useful for the user to optimise browsing and our monitoring of service provision. The cookies we use do not detect any data stored in the user's computer.

On the site www.aqualandia.net the users can view the company's own banners. However, "" Aqualandia España, S.A."" reserves the right to include banners of others kinds on the site without prior notification to the users.

Data protection
In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999 of 13th December, the user is informed that the data provided on the contact forms and the payment section will be included on computer files owned by Aqualandia España, S.A. The objective of the processing will be that of managing the payment section, keeping in contact with the interested parties and sending them periodical information on AQUALANDIA services and events.

Aqualandia España, S.A is responsible for the files and undertakes to not use the data for any objective other than that for which they were collected nor to disclose them to third parties illegally. It also undertakes to process the data confidentially and to apply the necessary technical, organisational and security measures to prevent their unauthorised processing in accordance with the regulations in force with regard to data protection.

The data collected in the payment section will be processed by Aqualandia España, S.A with the abovementioned objective, however, the encoding of personal data and credit card information correspond to the processing by the Caja Mediterráneo (CAM savings bank) with Fiscal Identity Code nº G-03046562.

The interested parties may exercise their rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to the following address: Legal Department, Sierra Helada s/n 03503 Benidorm (Alicante) – Spain; or by contacting the e-mail address aqualandia@aqualandia.net.

The user will be responsible for the veracity of the details provided. Aqualandia España, S.A reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false or erroneous data, without prejudice to any other actions it may be legally entitled to take.

The present Privacy Policy may be amended in strict accordance with any legislative changes which may come into force and the directives issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

The use of the images and videos shown on this website with the aim of promoting AQUALANDIA services and events has been freely and voluntarily authorised by each and every one of the persons who appear on them. In the case of minors, consent has been received from their parents or guardians.